I dont like the game because after you make a cake you have to wait a hour or if you dont want to wait you have to PAY!!!
I dont like the game because after you make a cake you have to wait a hour or if you dont want to wait you have to PAY!!!
I know you think ther is to much ads but dont see why well I know its stupid with the ads but great game but all on my app ppl are just buying cookies Im like buy cakes cupcakes buy something else getting mad at the game one time it kicked me out of the game[gliched me out] sometimes gets anoing and everytime you want to take a brake you turn you I pod i pad I phone it tells you your cookie cake cupcake is buyed love it but anoing
My favorited
There are way too many ads in the demo I couldnt even play the game or even see it the "x"s to remove the ads never work.
There isnt anything you can do to build cupcakes or cakes unless you pay. Very simplistic and confusing what to do when youre done.
I just started playing 5 mins ago and i got like 200 ads, plz less ads i want to enjoy the game
There are way to many adds